Why is there an ancient Egyptian mummy in Statesville? Where did she come from? What would her life have been like?
Unraveling Ancient Egypt: A Sensory Tour centers around Margaret, North Carolina’s only Egyptian mummy on permanent display, and the smells, tastes, and sounds she might have experienced during her lifetime. Visitors can learn about minerals used to create the cosmetics used thousands of years ago, medical practices and ancient medical texts, go on an archaeological dig, try your hand at hieroglyphics, and learn about mummification. This interactive exhibit invites visitors to see the commonalities and differences in a world far removed from ours.
Unraveling Ancient Egypt: A Sensory Tour centers around Margaret, North Carolina’s only Egyptian mummy on permanent display, and the smells, tastes, and sounds she might have experienced during her lifetime. Visitors can learn about minerals used to create the cosmetics used thousands of years ago, medical practices and ancient medical texts, go on an archaeological dig, try your hand at hieroglyphics, and learn about mummification. This interactive exhibit invites visitors to see the commonalities and differences in a world far removed from ours.
From the Permanent Collection of Iredell Museums:

Iredell Museums received a NC CARES: Humanities Relief Grant from the North Carolina Humanities Council, www.nchumanities.org. Funding for NC CARES has been provided by the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) as part of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act economic stabilization plan.